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Sounds like the slowest, most bloated way possible to design a calculator that runs on a phone.

Agreed. It seems like a great way to turn your web browser into an abstraction of an operating system.

That’s more or less where browsers are (or are heading rapidly). It’s dumb and terrible and has all sorts of issues: but it’s also cheap and easy, and often that’s good enough.

but this is what apple originally intended, just phones weren't powerful enough at the time.

later firefoxOS did exactly that. and it worked well. its only weak part was the lack of apps in the market.

Has too much time passed for FirefoxOS to become viable again? The latest moves by Apple seems to be changing public sentiment .

KaiOS was forked from Firefox OS, and it's currently installed on over 150 million devices, mostly in India. Unfortunately, it's closed source.



Cries in Palm webOS.

I still miss my Palm Pre - shame HP killed Palm.

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