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> I doubt most "technologists" care about writing code for their phone to begin with

I program my computing devices constantly, and with my phone being a computing device I have near me almost all the time, I naturally program that as well.

> I don't know what you mean by "non-buggy web access".

Webkit is extremely buggy and the only supported way to access the web on iOS. On other platforms, if one engine is buggy, I can use another.

> Photo sharing's never been a problem—what am I missing?

Uploading photos to your server in the background.

> I don't talk on the phone much so maybe that's actually terrible

You can't route calls through other services, you can't record calls (which the first makes trivially possible), you can't have your phone answer the call for you and show you a realtime transcription or save the transcription for later viewing, you can't have the phone wait on hold for you, etc. The iPhone is extremely limited as a phone.

> Device restarts? How often do you think I restart my iOS devices?

Every single time you need to update a system app.

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