Are you not sure that financial data "with hundreds of fields" is more complex than chat data which has a relatively linear threading and only a handful of fields?
I'm asking about how your system scales to the number of queries, but you seem to be taking every question personally. You seem to really want to make sure everyone knows that you think Discord's problems are easy to solve. I'm not saying Discord is more complicated, but you're not really giving enough information to prove that Discord's problems are a subset of yours.
Do you support more simultaneous queries than Discord?
these days they added an extra thread_id field, sure. But the data itself is blisteringly uncomplex and there is only a single way to display it (ordered by time, i.e. the 'thread')
Just recently Symphony switched order in which I have received two messages from a colleague. This completely changed the meaning of the message and we got in an argument that was only resolved after I have posted screenshot of what he wrote.
It seems, the threading might not be that simple after all.