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> Why do we have to rehash a decade-old conversation on every single iPhone/iOS Apple story?

Because people are mad - still, and baffled - still, that Apple is successful and prosperous despite not catering to the niche needs of your average HN commenter.

There's also an easy solution: don't buy an iOS device.

You would think so, but the repeated comments you see in every Apple story makes it seem that folks cannot get over the very existence and success of Apple's device and app store philosophy enough to let any other discussion or criticism emerge.


You seem to give enough fucks to come and rant on a thread dedicated to an Apple device. Maybe just use whatever you want instead?

Yeah, honestly, I do not mind people disliking the Apple device philosophy, but it's a bit wearying to have to dig through all the same grand comments about walled gardens etc etc over and over again in any Apple related discussion.

>"You seem to give enough fucks to come and rant on a thread dedicated to an Apple device"

I discuss lots of things that I do not loose my sleep over. This whole HN is just an entertainment for me. Distraction from work so that my brain does not melt.

>"Maybe just use whatever you want instead?"

I do use whatever I want. And what I rant about is not for you to decide.

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