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Your comment was brought to my attention last night. I had not seen it before nor had the time to read through all of these comments.

Are you suggesting that I did not send feedback through the appropriate channels? I have dozens of email exchanges with Google, some of which have multiple people copied on them, and I have screenshots of me sending feedback through your feedback link located within the knowledge panel. (And I explained my situation to them with more detail than I have explained here.)

In April and May, I received email responses from Google employees who work for the knowledge panel support team. After they changed the photo twice to images of the wrong women instead of deleting them, I continued complaining and they suggested I contact legal removals. When I contacted legal, I received automated responses to contact the knowledge support team. So I was bounced around.

They then began ignoring me and I started receiving automated responses from everyone. Even though I was being ignored, on any given day, I would wake up and find a different photo presented alongside my book.

I also reached out to you, Danny Sullivan, directly. Glad you and Google decided to acknowledge me and fix it once it was brought to the public’s attention and the public seemed to care. I appreciate that and I hope it stays fixed. I hope for others sake you will get rid of the knowledge panel until it’s working correctly.

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