Wow, this is sooo disingenuous I can not believe it is even being said
Aside from the fact that where a metric ton of regulations targeting processing adult content payments under the guide of "protecting the children"
There is another metric ton of regulations around creating and operating a payment processing system. There is a reason no competitors to paypal have really emerged. That reason is GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS..
Please stop saying people do not like a free market when they get one as there is NOTHING FREE MARKET about the banking industry in either the world or the US
How many of those government regulations were written by private companies who lobbied (read bribed) politicians to pass them specifically to keep out competitors? Government regulation is a very important tool, but like any tool it can be abused and used in harmful ways, especially if you don't do anything meaningful to prevent it.
> it will ALWAYS be abused in harmful ways. This has always been true, and will always be true
This is demonstrably false. There are countless regulations that are vital to your every day life which serve absolutely no nefarious purpose.
Your flaw is assuming that corruption can only come from government. You risk allowing yourself to be ruled and abused by corrupt corporations (many of which are larger and have more money than some governments).
Make no mistake, there will always be people who will try to take advantage of you. They will flock to places where they have power over others. Some of them will end up in government and some of them will end up in corporations. As a citizen, you may have the power to vote out the ones that exist in governments. You have zero power over who is employed at a corporation.
You want to weaken the thing you have at least some measure of control over to allow yourself to be ruled over by something you have no ability to control or influence.
I don't understand the willingness to subjugate yourself before powerful corporations while also tying your own hands behind your back as you bend over for them. Is it because you believe that they will be benevolent rulers? History shows us they will not. Does it make it easier to pretend that you aren't being ruled? History shows us you most assuredly will be.
Maybe it's because we don't talk much about the long history of abuses people suffer when they allow themselves to be ruled by corporations. Maybe you think that those horrific abuses which happen even today overseas could never happen to you even if you weaken the government which currently protects you from those very same conditions. It's a bit like watching someone beg to be enslaved while insisting they'll somehow have freed themselves once they are...
>>>You risk allowing yourself to be ruled and abused by corrupt corporations
Absent Government there can be no corporations, Business sure, but business absent government looks very different
Corporations are fictional entities created by government regulations namely liability shields, to facilitate investment.
>As a citizen, you may have the power to vote out the ones that exist in governments
Reality says other wise, as a citizen my vote only carries the measure if there is a tie, there as never been a tie...
This mystical rose colored view of democracy does not match reality.
>You have zero power over who is employed at a corporation.
I would say my power to say who is employed at a corporation is about the same as my power to say who is in power in government, that is not even talking about who I have the option to vote for.
In my entire life I do not believe a Single person I have ever voted for as ever won the election... I do not vote for either Republicans or Democrats
>>I don't understand the willingness to subjugate yourself before powerful corporations
that is because you have confused my position. Allow me to restate it. I am not opposed to Government.. I am opposed to the type of government we have, I believe the constitution did not do enough to limit government.
Government should only be empowered to protect the individual rights. Specifically negative individual rights. Not "Human rights" which are often defined to include positive rights, things like Housing, Health Care, and all manner of other things the government must provide..
Government should not be the parent, the nanny, or the sovereign over the people. The type of government found in most of the "First World" is a complete inversion of what government should be, subservient to the people, not sovereign over them
Read The Law by Frederic Bastiat to glean an understanding of where I believe government regulations, and law should be at and how it should be limited
The libertarian free market folks are 100% in agreement with the "those rules were written by the businesses that are supposed to follow them" point. Businesses love the regulations that protect their market share. They may be pro-free-market when times are good, but when times are bad they cry foul about speculators and lobby for bailouts. I'm sure if I was a business I'd do the same :)
Aside from the fact that where a metric ton of regulations targeting processing adult content payments under the guide of "protecting the children"
There is another metric ton of regulations around creating and operating a payment processing system. There is a reason no competitors to paypal have really emerged. That reason is GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS..
Please stop saying people do not like a free market when they get one as there is NOTHING FREE MARKET about the banking industry in either the world or the US