I'm going to build a business that offers SQLite as a web service. It will be backed by a P2P network of browser instances storing data in IndexedDB. Taking investment now.
Surely what the world really needs is a new, faster implementation of IndexedDB? I propose writing it on top of this sqlite implementation, so we get the full indexedDB on sqlite on indexedDB on sqlite experience.
> Indexers are node operators in The Graph Network that stake Graph Tokens (GRT) in order to provide indexing and query processing services. Indexers earn query fees and indexing rewards for their services. They also earn from a Rebate Pool that is shared with all network contributors proportional to their work, following the Cobbs-Douglas Rebate Function.
> GRT that is staked in the protocol is subject to a thawing period and can be slashed if Indexers are malicious and serve incorrect data to applications or if they index incorrectly. Indexers can also be delegated stake from Delegators, to contribute to the network.
> Indexers select subgraphs to index based on the subgraph’s curation signal, where Curators stake GRT in order to indicate which subgraphs are high-quality and should be prioritized. Consumers (eg. applications) can also set parameters for which Indexers process queries for their subgraphs and set preferences for query fee pricing.
It's Ethereum though, so it's LevelDB, not SQLite on IndexedDB on SQLite.
To be clear: I was being sarcastic. But if I were to inject our comment chain into <insert random crypto appreciation thread here> it'd fit right in, proving your point that the level of silliness is getting to Monty Python levels. We need The Colonel to barge onto the stage and shut it down I feel.