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> I doubt the German or UK police would be bothered to care much either.

I have as close as it gets to a perfect comparison. My now-wife was working on a summer school in the UK, shepherding American teenagers around. A few had their iPhones stolen, but with exact location information via “find my phone”. Police did nothing.

It’s a bit sad when mostly they just had to turn up.

Likely because as the Twitter thread demonstrates, most non-geeks don’t know what Find My is or how it works, and they don’t care to learn about it.

That's a non-excuse when training the police on the existence of a location tracking feature for loss/theft prevention takes so little time.

Since Android and iPhone make up the vast majority of the smartphone market, and modern devices on both sides have "Find My" style features, it feels like something they aught to know about.

The police know to look for a serial number on a drone/bicycle/vehicle so why not the equivalent for phones?

I doubt that's the issue. I mean, the concept is easy to grasp and explained in half a minute or less even if you never heard of Find My iPhone.

Sure, but first you have to "sell" the person on the idea, otherwise it's just more "we enhanced the killer's IP address and downloaded their RAM using coding and algorithms"

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