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Is this a common thing outside Silicon Valley? The US?

Having worked almost ny entire professional life outside of the States I have never, not once, heard of this happening. And it would absolutely not be tolerated in any professional organisation that I’ve been part of.

Or have I just been lucky not to have come across this type of behaviour?

You have just been lucky, back office technology when I used to work for a large bank in the UK there was a manager who would routinely shout at everyone. He was repeatedly promoted and seen as a person who "got things done."

I really pitied the juniors who learned to model this as what "good" looked like, I suspect it has genuinely harmed their long term life prospects.

In response to complaints it was always, "he's a Southern European, they're passionate," that came as the response.

So not unusual at all.

I suspect this is now to be known as the Cuomo defence.

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