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If my math is correct, driving 1,725km in a Prius (assume 6L/100KM - which is fairly conservative) would cost about $135 CDN in fuel - (approx. $1.30 per litre).

Not much more than $120 spent on charging. For a car that is much less expensive than the Jaguar.

Environmental considerations aside, this is a tough sell for most consumers.

For most long trips are rare so if 90% of your miles are charged from home (for much less than the cost of gas) you’d prefer charging outside of home to be more easily available even if it comes out more expensive than gas for that particular trip.

Even if you set aside environmental considerations (which is mental) the gas is only a tiny portion of the value proposition of EVs. In 5 years of used leaf driving i've visited 0 gas stations, 0 repair shops, 0 emissions inspectors. It's the burden of all that mess that you get to avoid, not a just $0.15 on the dollar savings.

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