I think you're missing my point. You do your best to inform the majority not because the majority will enact change based on it, but so that the minute and disparate slices of the population for whom that information is relevant but might not otherwise have been exposed to it can access it and perform or investigate whatever actions they deem necessary and economical to mediate the potential threat.
This forum is too niche to fulfill that purpose on its own.
The mass distribution of the information, and arguments against apple's behavior should be intended to incidentally target relevant niches beyond technically expert circles of which the communicator is unaware.
That the argument and resolution of these issues is irrelevant to most of those who will be exposed to it is immaterial.
Zepto, the Thread won't let me respond directly to yoy, but I haven't touch led any of my comments since they first received a reply. I often touch my comments within a couple minutes of posting in order to correct typos or clarify my intentions, but don't do so without remark once they've become canonical in a thread.
Your replies to my threads are as they were written.
Some of what you said wasn’t there when I replied. It could be because most of my replies were composed quite slowly from a mobile device, giving you plenty of time to make edits while I was writing. Whether this was intentional or not, it means I wasn’t replying to what you wrote.
For some reason I couldn't reply to your comment initially, so I put this in a sibling (typos and grammar excepted):
I haven't touched any of my comments since they first received a reply. I often touch my comments within a couple minutes of posting in order to correct typos or clarify my intentions, usually by appending a paragraph. But I don't do so without remark once they've become canonical in a thread.
Your replies to my comments are as they were written.
This forum is too niche to fulfill that purpose on its own.
The mass distribution of the information, and arguments against apple's behavior should be intended to incidentally target relevant niches beyond technically expert circles of which the communicator is unaware.
That the argument and resolution of these issues is irrelevant to most of those who will be exposed to it is immaterial.