Please familiarize yourself with the site guidelines. You've broken several in this thread, beginning with the shallow dismissal "nobody cares about your story."
> Why is everyone more concerned with scolding someone than partaking in discussion?
The purpose of the guidelines is to establish an atmosphere of curious, genuine conversation. If somebody demonstrates dinterest in curious, genuine conversation through repeated violations of those guidelines, it comes time to inform (not scold) them of why their comments are getting flagged to death.
I'm not interested in fighting with you about this topic. But I am interested in maintaining the vibe that you're currently harshing. You have a new account, so I have some hope that you might come around, rethink your approach to online conversation, and become a productive member of our community. If you're feeling anger or frustration, please reflect on how you might better engage with the community here -- if the answer you arrive at is that we're a bunch of mean doodie-heads, then that's fine, you shouldn't associate with mean doodie-heads.
PIs are stalkers for hire. dubdigidob is being blunt, but I think he's right. I don't want rapists chiming in to offer their perspective on stories about rape; nor do I welcome PIs chiming in with their opinions on stories about corporations using PIs to stalk and harass people.
I have a family member who just used a PI to get child support from someone hiding income illegally.
PIs are used to catch cheating spouses, insider trading, theft and corporate espionage.
That doesn't mean PIs or given practices are immune to criticism. However, blunt statements such as "PIs are stalkers for hire" are so sloppy as to be factually incorrect and useless, and comparing them to rapists belays naiveity and an agenda.
A stalker for hire who occasionally stalks somebody who's also a scumbag, if the money is right? Give me a break. Such lame defenses of the profession only serve to further damn it.
> comparing them to rapists belays naiveity and an agenda.
An agenda huh? I guess you mean it's personal to me? Well you're right; a former employer sicced such goons on me and one of them got nasty. That's my "agenda" pal; being a victim of this profession.