1) We want to test concurrency but start with implementing String#contains.
2) You have to know how to implement String#contains because you might use contains in our environment (not really, but theoretically, so you better know how to implement it).
3) You must absolutely avoid basic UTF-8 traps because users use UTF-8.
Neither of the above tells me what would you gain if the candidate nailed the question. It just tells me that:
- Your team might or might not use contains to verify something is XML (I truly hope not).
- Your team uses UTF-8 strings (which is one piece of the shared context that the candidate probably does not have).
- You tested candidate abilities of performing under pressure rather than testing their knowledge or skill.
- You are trying to hire the exactly same senior developer as if you promoted someone on your team with your codebase.
You come to the interview full with assumptions and biases about what a senior candidate absolutely must know instead of seeking what they bring to the table and why they call themselves senior. Let me tell you there are lvl 4 and 5 Java candidates that have never touched UTF-8.
Finally, and let me blow your mind here, there are senior developers that haven't really used String#contains in the last X years of their career either.
I don't know what was the quality of the candidate, but I feel, from my limited PoV and lacking all the info, that your interview process is deeply flawed.
1) We want to test concurrency but start with implementing String#contains.
2) You have to know how to implement String#contains because you might use contains in our environment (not really, but theoretically, so you better know how to implement it).
3) You must absolutely avoid basic UTF-8 traps because users use UTF-8.
Neither of the above tells me what would you gain if the candidate nailed the question. It just tells me that:
- Your team might or might not use contains to verify something is XML (I truly hope not).
- Your team uses UTF-8 strings (which is one piece of the shared context that the candidate probably does not have).
- You tested candidate abilities of performing under pressure rather than testing their knowledge or skill.
- You are trying to hire the exactly same senior developer as if you promoted someone on your team with your codebase.
You come to the interview full with assumptions and biases about what a senior candidate absolutely must know instead of seeking what they bring to the table and why they call themselves senior. Let me tell you there are lvl 4 and 5 Java candidates that have never touched UTF-8.
Finally, and let me blow your mind here, there are senior developers that haven't really used String#contains in the last X years of their career either.
I don't know what was the quality of the candidate, but I feel, from my limited PoV and lacking all the info, that your interview process is deeply flawed.