> I think it's also a bit a question of team size. If your project has just a handful of devs working on it, merge-commits really don't matter all that much. If there are a few dozen with a good amount of juniors on the repo (a bit over 40 devs in my case), the commit-history becomes an absolutely unreadable spiderweb, that's at least my experience.
git log --first-parent gives you a nice linear history of (generally) your top level merge commits. If you follow a PR workflow, it's PR-by-PR breakdown of activity. The DAG gives you the power to "explore the spiderweb" if want/need to, but also pull back and say "give me the high level over" (--first-parent). I still think a lot of the emphasis on rebase-only workflows would disappear if more of the graphic UI tools (including and especially GitHub) had a better --first-parent experience by default. With the GitHub PR flow it has always surprised me that the main commit log isn't just a --first-parent view with an optional drilldown experience.
git log --first-parent gives you a nice linear history of (generally) your top level merge commits. If you follow a PR workflow, it's PR-by-PR breakdown of activity. The DAG gives you the power to "explore the spiderweb" if want/need to, but also pull back and say "give me the high level over" (--first-parent). I still think a lot of the emphasis on rebase-only workflows would disappear if more of the graphic UI tools (including and especially GitHub) had a better --first-parent experience by default. With the GitHub PR flow it has always surprised me that the main commit log isn't just a --first-parent view with an optional drilldown experience.