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> [..] so I was being a bit coy about my level of knowledge. Plus, not my entire social circle is left-wingers.

Sure, I was being a little sarcastic. The point was just that "the other side" are humans too and we should just go speak to them if we want to know their minds.

> Of course it was for what they thought were good reasons. No-one on the front lines of the bad sort of revolution thinks their cause is bad [..]

As long as there is reason behind their actions, it means they can be reasoned with. I think it's when we start assuming that people are unreasonable that dangerous things happen.

On a different note, I have zero idea why you got downvoted for just sharing a related experience to the news article.

> On a different note, I have zero idea why you got downvoted for just sharing a related experience to the news article.

Meh, just fake Internet points anyway. I think some people take relating something as supporting or promoting it (this is a sub-category of the problem of needing to explain oneself to the point of absurdity to avoid being misunderstood on Web forums) and others might just not think my adding that anecdote improved the conversation.

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