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> I think the rationale is if the violence (real or perceived) comes into your own neighborhood/apartment/etc, that you’ll be able to defend yourself. Much better than helplessness.

If the violence/danger is only perceived/imaginary and not real, then someone going out to "deal with it" will create calamities where otherwise nothing bad would happen without the firearm being present (and that person feeling 'empowered' or some such).

Perhaps I should add, the assumption being that the firearm would be brandished/used in the event the person came into their home, and there was an immediate threat. The user would adhere to basic firearm safety and use it lawfully.

I meant perceived as in, things seem worse than they are, versus someone thinking “hey QAnon said my neighbors are false flags, let’s go” (hyperbolic, but you get the point)

I understand the confusion though without the assumption laid out.

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