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6 tools:

- broot - like tree

- funky - like direnv

- fzf - fuzzy finder

- mcfly - cli completion

- zoxide - like cd

- gitupdate - auto commit and push

The author references this discussion https://lobste.rs/s/yfgwjr/what_interesting_command_line_too...

I just read the description of funky, and it is like Windows 98 CD-ROM autorun.exe, but the next level. If you clone my repo and enter the directory - I own your system. Funky indeed.

I'd also add ncdu - which is really great when you need to easily see what's eating up disk space.

jq is also super nice when you have to parse json data.

I also like powerlevel10k: https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k

If you like/use jq and work with html, yq is it’s counterpart. Dyff is in a similar realm.

Do you have any experience with pup to compare with yq? That's the jq look-alike for HTML I first stumbled upon.

Or my Xidel to work with html and json with XPath

powerlevel10k looks interesting with that builtin configuration wizard. I use https://starship.rs

You have to configure it yourself, but it works on bash, fish and zsh.

jq is great for a quick pretty print of json too, just

<run some command that outputs json> | jq .

and you'll get nice color pretty printed output. 90% of the time I use jq it's just to pretty print like this.

somecommand | python -m json.tool

installed everywhere

I think https://github.com/dundee/gdu is faster than ncdu

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