Purely object oriented languages did fall out of fashion lately. While the environment looks sophisticated, I have the feeling I would bet on a limping horse?
Personally I do not give a flying hoot about fashion. The only thing that matters to me is how one particular tool helps me to make what I want. I've never "bet" on any tech. To me those are just tools. Nothing to get excited about.
I think OO has fallen out of fashion because there's a perception it can more easily lead to confusing code. While one can write confusing code using FP, it's not as easy to do.
I really do not care why is something in fashion / not. There are many software paradigms and one simply has to know which one is the best for particular situation. Trying to bring everything down to a "there can be only one" level is not very wise. Unfortunately for some reasons many programmers get really religious about language / framework / paradigm / whatever.
Also writing confusing code is incredibly easy in any language / paradigm. One just has to be inexperienced thinker.
Yet all major GUI frameworks are OO, even component based ones if one would actually bother to read OO CS literature, before announcing them as some magic solution.
> While one can write confusing code using FP, it's not as easy to do.
Yes, it is.
It is in some situations easier to write non-confusing code in FP (though in other situations its easier in OO.)
Also, OO hasn’t really “fallen out of fashion”, its still, AFAIK, the dominant paradigm. It’s just not as hyperdominant as it was from the mid-90s through the -00s.