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Thanks. Does this not feel like a "band-aid"? Do you notice your pain getting progressively worse with time?

Not not at all. Again, I know this sound snake-oil-esq but it feels "regenerative" - I thought it was just a pain killer (and hey, better than tylenol etc even if it is) at the start, but the more I used it and stretched, the less I needed it and the longer the pain was gone, after I couple months, I only need it every few weeks. (28/yr through 33 was just continual pain because of computer work.) I get a good amount rubbed in and really really push and stretch deep in between the joints into the wrist, working it in till the muscles are very relaxed and supple, then just the usual wrist stretching/movements you'd expect. To an extent everything is a band-aid I suppose, damage is done, but this genuinely seem to do more than just kill the pain. The only thing I'd say about CBD/THC cream is I think that the plant they use to make it probably matters a lot, and so finding one that works for you could be needle in the haystack, this one is great for me.

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