> Traditional financial services organisations are notoriously slow to adapt to changes in the market. Using cloud resources alongside the legacy infrastructure is one way to try and remain competitive.
Or, you could have a single executive action revamp IT resource acquisition policies. Simply mandate that internalized self-service resource provisioning capabilities be developed.
It is not rocket science to put a web dashboard around vmware or some other virtualization solution. Most of them already sell something like this as part of their feature set.
You could set something like this up in a week if you had enough buy-in. There are no excuses if you want to win at this kind of game. The bad guys are way more patient in aggregate.
A 2nd perspective - One of our customers has a "traditional" process for setting up new IT workloads, and we were still able to get 3 servers provisioned within 8 hours along with 3 new publicly-routable IPv4 addresses and matching DNS+TLS certs. Anything less than this in 2021 for any organization is indicative of sheer incompetence IMO. We do have some customers that are really slow, but they are also really small. I don't think any F500 is taking weeks to provision SQL Server anymore.
Or, you could have a single executive action revamp IT resource acquisition policies. Simply mandate that internalized self-service resource provisioning capabilities be developed.
It is not rocket science to put a web dashboard around vmware or some other virtualization solution. Most of them already sell something like this as part of their feature set.
You could set something like this up in a week if you had enough buy-in. There are no excuses if you want to win at this kind of game. The bad guys are way more patient in aggregate.
A 2nd perspective - One of our customers has a "traditional" process for setting up new IT workloads, and we were still able to get 3 servers provisioned within 8 hours along with 3 new publicly-routable IPv4 addresses and matching DNS+TLS certs. Anything less than this in 2021 for any organization is indicative of sheer incompetence IMO. We do have some customers that are really slow, but they are also really small. I don't think any F500 is taking weeks to provision SQL Server anymore.