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Capitalism: You Wouldn't Trade It for Anything (jayriverlong.github.io)
5 points by riverlong on July 11, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

What's the main point of the article? Does the modern world have more fancy stuff that the world before? Yes, without any doubt. I think the "capitalist" discourse revolves around the price society pays to get "stuff" related to the utility value of the "stuff". So the question would rather look like:

- You live competitive capitalist style, but get iphones, uber and google.

- Or you have relaxed four-hour four-day workweek, with button phones, no uber and website catalogs serving under 5kb/s dial-up.

I'd choose the second option without a second thought. The utility of having fancier screen doesn't fit the loss from switching from chill lifestyle to the competitive "capitalistic" one. Even with 5kb/s internet you're able to achieve a lot of things. You still have access to online libraries and forums. Bicycle commute and public transport aren't so terrible (In Europe). You still can hear your loved ones using a button phone. And the most important you'll have a lot of time and energy to enjoy all this stuff.

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