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Best of Hacker News (hnsearch.com)
44 points by ma2rten on July 17, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Not that karma means anything, but it's amazing that the user who submitted Bellard's Linux-in-browser story received more karma from submitting that one URL than I have for the hundreds of comments I've made over the last eight months.

Highest vote counts != Best of (IMHO)

You know this list is flawed when the 8th entry for Best of Hacker News is "Osama bin Laden Is Dead."

Of cause it is not. It was more link bait by me then anything. It would even go as far to say none of the stories on the first page would make it into my best of collection. But I do think that it is interesting none the less.

I'm sure that eventually the "I don't learn anything on HN anymore, bring back the upvote count" thread will fall out of the top ten. The sooner, the better as far as I am concerned. If you haven't already upvoted the thread "How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)," you should. That is a classic HN thread, full of interesting ideas, and well deserves your upvote even after most of the reported bugs have been fixed.

(Disclaimer: I don't have any karma dogs in this fight. I just like good, on-topic content here.)

I noticed that most stories are quite recent, so I'd say if you normalize for total upvotes in the period that one would prolly be on top.

Ah ha! This comment explains where my 7 points of mystery karma came from :-).

funny, i was just mucking with the api.hnsearch.com yesterday for the exact same query. Then I got distracted with the nice weather...

Here's the same query w/the rest api, but w/o paging. use the parameters start and limit for paging.


The filter on date seems like the comments on Hacker News. Only difference is an occasional link will appear in the feed. Just wondering as to why comments are included in the filter.

This is the true best of HN, imo: http://www.skrenta.com/hn/

Thank you for providing the link! I'd trying been trying to get it before, but for some reason it wouldn't work.

A reddit link amongst the top 3... shame on you HN.

Why shame? You should check the first comment on that post: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2004210

I move: pareidolia.

Also, this oh-so-touching story smells way too much of 4chan/reddit style trolling.

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