Even in the 90s that was a solved problem in Visual Basic with autocomplete. That a lot of dev environments "lost" the ability to do it is mind boggling. With that said, doesn't Rubymine let you do that with autocomplete with the prompt giving you all the info you need? (I haven't done Ruby in a long time).
Still, having to look up the doc or run the code to figure out how to type it is orders of magnitude slower than proper auto complete (be it old school Visual Studio style, or something like Copilot).
orders of magnitude slower than proper auto complete
Having worked extensively with verbose but autocomplete-able languages like Java, compact dynamic languages like Ruby, and a variety of others including C, Scala, and Kotlin, I've come to the conclusion that, for me, autocomplete is a crutch and I develop deeper understanding and greater capabilities when I go to the docs. IDE+Java encourages sprawl, which just further cements the need for an IDE. Vim+Ruby+FZF+ripgrep+REPL encourages me to design code that can be navigated without an IDE, which ultimately results in cleaner designs.
If there's any lag whatsoever in the autocomplete, it breaks my flow state as well. I can maintain flow better when typing out code than when it just pops into being after some hundreds of milliseconds delay. Plus, there's always the chance for serendipity when reading docs. The docs were written by the language creators for a reason. Every dev should be visiting them often.
That's totally cool but the grandparent was talking about remembering shit they already knew. Not everyone has a fantastic memory, and remember the arguments are A then B or B then A doesn't deepen your understanding of a language. Most of the time the autocomplete and the official doc use the exact same source anyway, formatted the same way, with the same info.
remember the arguments are A then B or B then A doesn't deepen your understanding
What I meant is that you will coincidentally learn new things by going to the docs for old/simple things. In addition to remembering that method ordering, you might learn about a new method that simplifies your task.
Still, having to look up the doc or run the code to figure out how to type it is orders of magnitude slower than proper auto complete (be it old school Visual Studio style, or something like Copilot).