This is a little off topic, but your framework looks really interesting! How come you opted for building a functional framework in C#, vs using F#? I couldn’t see anything in the README about what was specifically frustrating about F#? I ask because we’re looking at introducing it at my company.
I cofounded a company in 2005, the primary product is a never-ending C# web-application project. As the code-base grew to many millions of lines of code I started to see the very real problems of software engineering in the OO paradigm, and had the functional programming enlightenment moment.
We started building some services in F#, but still had a massive amount of C# - and so I wanted the inertia of my team to be in the direction of writing declarative code. There wasn't really anything (outside of LINQ) that did that, so I set about creating something.
We don't write F# any more and find functional C# (along with the brilliant C# tooling) to be very effective for us (although we also now use PureScript and Haskell).
I do have a stock wiki post on the repo for this though [1]. You might not be surprised to hear it isn't the first time I've been asked this :)