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Strictly No AIs – License Against the Machine (github.com/onatm)
7 points by onatm on June 30, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If someone has a pacemaker or similar artificial medical device, are they still an organic human?

If I call my algorithm an optimization technique, does your license still put permissions on my use?

Would it be better named "Rage Against the Man"?

  If someone has a pacemaker or similar artificial medical device, are they still an organic human?
Yes, they are.

  If I call my algorithm an optimization technique, does your license still put permissions on my use?
I think we need a new version to prevent this type of usage.

  Would it be better named "Rage Against the Man"?
What about "Butlerian Jihad License"?

I was being tongue in cheek as this is what the license appears to be. As is, it lacks necessary content to be a viable license.

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