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WANGO – World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (wango.org)
2 points by peter_d_sherman on June 28, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

>"The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) is an international organization uniting NGOs worldwide in the cause of advancing peace and global well being. WANGO helps to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s basic problems."

PDS: I found this organization by first finding a Wikipedia on NGO's:


Then wondering such things as:

o How many NGO's exist in the world today?

o How many NGO's exist in each country?

o Which country, in the world today, has the most NGO's?

o Which country has the least NGO's?

o Are their sub-levels of detail available (you know, like an Excel spreadsheet, or what-have-you) which can rank NGO's by membership count, funding, areas of responsibility, geographic reach, main issue or issues dealt with, etc., etc. ?

But anyway, those are the questions, whose answers, when I searched for them, found me this organization...

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