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I remember reading some blog posts from people switching to Linux because they disliked Windows 10 for various reasons (mostly privacy concerns and forced updates), but I think those were fairly tech savvy already.

Most people will just use whatever Microsoft releases, either because it comes preinstalled on their PC, because it's what they know, or because they need Windows because of some application or piece of hardware.

The year of Linux on the desktop will have to wait for a while, I'm afraid.

(On my desktop it's been year-of-the-Linux-desktop for the past 20 years, fortunately.)

Me too! September 2021 marks my 20th year.

It and all of FOSS have brought me more joy than I can ever repay.

YOTLD is defo one of those silly "jokes" thats had staying power. I'd argue that Chromebooks and Android are probably about as close as we're gonna get.

I've been using FreeBSD as a primary desktop since about 1997 or so, and while I did spend a lot of time using it as a remote display for my Solaris and SGI machines, its held up well. I've also used the same window manager forever so I guess I like the anachronism :)

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