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The Pentagon UFO Report Is Deeply Troubling for US Security Experts (theguardian.com)
7 points by atlasunshrugged on June 26, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Even more troubling than Aliens, Russians or Chineses, would be if those devices were NAZI UFO, or worse, non-homo-sapiens-sapiens devices (say, remnants of some ancient civilisation that lives hidden on (in) Earth.

Mistaking optical illusions, camera and radar artifacts, etc. for strange aircraft would also be very troubling: ignorant pilots, inadequate equipment, unprepared scientists and engineers...

I go with "Jewish space lasers". aka ufo nuts in congress.

How Washington Got Hooked on Flying Saucers A collection of well-funded UFO obsessives are using their Capitol Hill connections to launder some outré, and potentially dangerous, ideas. https://newrepublic.com/article/162457/government-embrace-uf...

This guardian article is perfect example how to keep hype going. You get few non-experts from pentagon to talk hypothetically in very general level about things not exactly in their area of expertice. Then astronomer pours cold water.

Why is it troubling?

If you take a picture of something in the sky and you cannot determine from that picture if it's a bird or a plane, why is that a problem?

The real problem starts when you have multiple reliable sources that this thing behaves like a Superman.

The Guardian, in general, is not a bad source of information. They have done some pretty good research that was later confirmed by others.

However, this is a really lousy article.

This world is bigger than it seems


maybe the ability from a small group of humans to deceive an entire civilization is a lot better than many think it would be.

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