The competition was in 2015[0].. perhaps the title should include 2015 (when the competition closed and Argon2 won) or should be adjusted to "Argon2 Hash Generator & Verifier" (the name of the linked page - unrelated to the competition)
I don't distrust, but I have a hard time gauging its credibility. Why should I trust the results of its password hashing competition?
Right, so is this some random running their own tests or is this the gold standard of testing these days.
I’ve been out of the crypto game for a decade.
"Non-public side-channel exploits seem inevitable"
Have to disagree here buddy
Argon2d has better resistance to TMTO and hardware accelerated cracking due to the data-depending memory access.
Side-channels attacks are not practical in many scenarios and won't be the easiest way to extract secrets in them.
Local hashing of any sort without external interaction is better with argon2d for better cracking resistance.
Those are great on paper, but in practice you either have a much easier way to extract those secrets with the amount of access you need for a side channel attack or they are too unreliable to truly leverage.
I don’t think it’s meant to be used as a legitimate password generator. It’s meant to showcase the knobs you can tweak on the algorithm. It’s a marketing tool.