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Bostonian on June 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite

"Yes, he attended then-President Donald Trump’s rally in Washington, DC, on Jan. 6, but he never entered the Capitol. He was in a friend’s room at the JW Marriott a 30-minute walk away when the Capitol breach occurred.

Nonetheless, he was raided in February by the FBI anti-terrorism task force, handcuffed, paraded and detained for three hours while his apartment was ransacked and all his devices confiscated. Four months later, he hasn’t been charged and doesn’t have his devices back, but his neighbors are shunning him, and he’s had two strokes from the stress."

Great War on Terror 2.0, as we wrap up our costly engagements in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, our corrupt agencies and contractors will try to sell some new way to make a buck. Hint, it's kicking down your neighbors' doors like this. You cannot have an empire abroad and not at home.

Government want to play the strong man, but still fails miserably. To the detriment of citizens. The narrative around these happenings are a complete joke in my opinion.

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