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Letting users bypass App Store would be security risk, says Apple (theguardian.com)
4 points by scottbucks on June 23, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Of course, Apple knows what is best for you./s

For an average user, they are never going to know how to side load apps. Case in point,Android. Pretty much everyone uses the Play Store but very few use apk files to sideload apps. So Apple's shamelessness is pretty much apparent.

And I like most of their products. I don't like Apple as a company however. This philosophy has been there in their DNA since day one. I was re reading the Steve Jobs book by Walter Isaacson. It tells of how Steve Jobs made the Macintosh into a sealed box that no one could open whereas the Apple II was meant for people who could do whatever they wanted with it. It was a point of contention between him and Wozniak. Sure, the Macintosh was an iconic device due to its vast leap forwards in UI design like making a proper modern GUI that was better than Xeroc Parc's GUI (like having overlapping windows and a good selection of fonts). That policy carried over into many of their products going forward.

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