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>Cancel culture will make racism and sexism worse.

I completely agree with that.

Just to keep an eye on matters, and you never know how you need to set up your life going forward, lately I've made an attempt to eavesdrop on snatches of private conversations.

I'm blown away by how radicalized people are becoming, and not in a way that progressives would like. Formerly, these people were essentially indifferent. Now, not so much.


If you really can't find reasonable people who identify as liberal then I fear the problem is with you.

Not everybody who's somewhat left leaning is also a woke fundamentalist.

I mean, you're talking casually about mass murdering gay people, how can you be surprised that some people feel threatened by that?

"Don't feed egregious comments by replying; flag them instead."

a.k.a. please don't feed the trolls


Good one, thanks. It conflicts a bit with the "assume good faith" guideline and sometimes I find it hard to figure which side should win.

(Note: in hindsight of course a comment that suggests mass murdering people is a troll post and not written in good faith, I'm not sure what I was thinking. I'm not debating that, just saying that it's hard and appreciate the nudges)

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