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Vatican urges Italy to stop proposed anti-homophobia law (theguardian.com)
3 points by Tomte on June 22, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Lest anyone think that the Catholic church is getting more liberal. They are still pro child-rapists and anti-LGBT.

With such a claim, please provide sources.

> the law, designed to make violence [..] against LGBT people and disabled people, [..] a crime

I am shocked to hear that that assaulting wheelchair-bound people is legal in Italy, especially given its aging population. I agree, this law is badly needed!

> Italy’s rightwing press has been stirring up the issue by referencing the application of anti-homophobia laws in other countries. “Absurd examples have been used to say, ‘Look, this is what’s going to happen if the law passes in Italy,’” said Mickens.

Does absurd mean false? What are these examples? It seems unusual to only present Mickens' rebuttal to the arguments, and not the arguments themselves.

But violence against anyone is already a crime

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