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Show HN: Simple (Inline) x86 Assembly/C Windows Mandelbrot/Julia Fractal Program (github.com/mrmcsoftware)
3 points by mrmcsoftware on June 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If you want to learn basic x86 assembly language or Win32 API (Windows) programming, here's a relatively simple program which would likely be helpful (especially combined with the tutorial videos listed on the github page). Or just enjoy some nice fractals. In short, I haven't left Windows users out in the cold.

a bit late to the party, but how hard would it be to adapt it to linux or mac? The assembly part should be the shame, isn't it? (ignoring non-intel macs)

I already ported it to Linux... Here's a link to my hackernews post: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27565708 I decided not to use inline assembly for the linux version (since I absolutely hate how gcc does inline). So the assembly routines are in .asm files which are assembled by nasm and linked in.

I don't know about Mac. Mac OS (not original Mac OS though) is based on Unix/Linux, so it might not be hard to do, don't know. Someone told me Macs now typically have x86 based CPUs (though that will probably change soon), so the assembly shouldn't be a problem.

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