Canada has turned into a totalitarian hell-hole. First things turned bad in Quebec, but then all over Canada now. Quality of life wise is only good if you're enjoying the scripted theatre show, I do not, never have.
At least, the US (outside of the blue states) have some leftover Rights worth fighting for.
mind elaborating what rights are being curtailed in Canada? Quebec right now has that stupid no religious attire in public offices law right now. What else?
- The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom is a mockery of a Bill of Rights. The first article makes it worthless as it essentially states the Law supersedes the Charter. In the US, it's the opposite; the Bill of Rights supersedes Congress' rule.
- Canada has literally no enshrined property rights (fuck, even People's Republic of China has private property rights in its Constitution). This was a special request of the socialist eastern provinces when the "Constitution" was put in place in the 1980's under Trudeau senior rule.
- Canada is the only country in the world where the Law grants special status to people by blood, cf. the Indian Act, which was used as a model for the apartheid laws in South Africa.
- Socialized health-care is essentially a joke.
- Taxes are higher.
In a general way, Canadian hate the Americans while desiring their lifestyle (same as what's happening in Quebec versus the Anglos; Quebekers hates English folks without realizing how their own culture is based on "Englishism" (often just badly translated in a patois french); in Europe (I come from there), they hates the Americans, but are submitting to American culture unable to develop a strong culture of their own, all being nothing but basic petty resentment).
Finally, everything otherwise plentiful south of the border is harder to find / more expensive (CAD is called the Canadian Pesos for a reason, because it ain't worth shit).
Of course, I didn't know any of that 15 years ago.