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I bought a "Swing Chair" back at the final Macworld Expo - after a long day of walking around the exhibits sitting in the demo chair was so satisfying - and it's been my main chair during Covid (with varying use over the prior decade). Other than the arm rests wearing out and a set screw I should replace it is still in great condition and allows me to sit comfortably for longer than I probably should...

They are no longer in business :'( https://web.archive.org/web/20160422143349/http://www.swingc...

This seems pretty similar, but I haven't tried it: https://www.eurekadesk.com/ergonomic-chair-swing-chair.html

I bought a glass corner desk around the same time that's still in use, most likely because it and the keyboard tray seem to be the perfect height for me/the chair. I can't recommend an under-desk keyboard tray enough, if you don't have one I'd strongly recommend investigating it.

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