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I've had my Aeron for 15 years (second hand, so it's probably 20 years old by now!). It's still as good as the day I bought it. The gas lift is going strong too, but I've had to replace the front pad every 5 years as they flatten over time.

Before I had the Aeron I'd replace my office chairs every 4 years or so. Not only have I saved money long term, their longevity makes them the better choice for the environment.

Enjoy your chair, you'll get a lifetime of use out of it.

Yes, I got my Aeron secondhand too, about 5yr ago, and it's been great this last year. I did replace the stock wheels with rollerblade casters[1] which are made by a bunch of companies (it seemed like OfficeOasis was one of the originals, so I went with them, though it looks like some of the more recent ones use sealed bearings for the swivel along with the wheel, which might be cool).

1: https://theofficeoasis.com/products/rollerblade-office-chair...

Oh how cool!

I never thought I could get excited about office accessories, yet here I am.

Don't forget to read the reviews though... rollerblade wheels are good for tiles/wooden floors, and not so much for carpet (they won't spin on carpet and just be annoying).

Really? I found that the larger roller blade wheels work much better than stock plastic castors on carpet.

Yes, I am using them on hardwood floors, good point!

My circumstance exactly. My Aeron was used when I first started using it 15 years ago. I’ve always liked it a lot, and just bought another (used) that I could return to my employer so I could keep mine (which I took home a year ago).

I found mine (large) preferable to the newer one I bought (medium). The depth of the seat pan on the medium was just too shallow. (I’m 6’ 1”).

It’s amazing how well this 15+ year old chair has held up. No signs of wear to the seat or back, nor visible scratches on the frame. It does need a new pneumatic cylinder post though ($45).

> ... but I've had to replace the front pad every 5 years as they flatten over time.

Would that be the pad behind your (upper) back? I never replaced anything on mine in 10/11 years but I may have not been paying attention. I'll definitely check for any flattened pad when I get back from vacation (they seem super cheap to replace moreoever).

It's right at the front near your knee. The level of discomfort would vary between people, but I find it to be very noticeable once the padding's worn out.

that's why I got rid of mine. front of the seat behind the knee. too much feeling the hard rim that holds the mesh. despite numerous tries to adjust the chair properly, it still bugged me. got rid of it for a steelcase leap. much more comfy.

I second the Steelcase Leap. I have used both the Aeron and the Leap a lot. The Leap is a significantly better chair

I am very happy with my steelcase leap. It has the right balance of cushion and support as well as lumbar support, and it is quiet, long lasting.

But a chair, like a bed, is a very personal thing. We all have different bodies and different support requirements.

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