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HM Embody chair. I know it's a bit controversial especially because of the cost. I picked it partially because how exotic it looks, but it also ended up being supremely comfortable. I hurt my back several years ago doing crossfit and further aggravated it with a Spartan Race, and the Embody chair helps a lot.

I also got the Embody last year and couldn't be happier. It's comfortable and looks good, but mostly I bought it because I just can't stand throwing away one more cheap office chair that only lasts a few years and ends up in a landfill. I expect the HM to last the rest of my life. No more squeaking, creaking, loosening, or faux-leather crumbling. It makes me feel good mentally as well as physically that I won't have to buy or throw away another chair again.

Got the embody in late March 2020. It’s a great chair for me. It developed a creaking sound in the seat after 6 months, which must have been a production issue for a while, as there are threads in the HM subreddit about it.

Free on-site repair. No problems since. I spend a lot of time in the chair and it is top notch.

I also use a Fully Jarvis for standing some of the time.

Monitor height matters, too. I use the Apple XDR pro display and the stand. Adjustments are as good as it gets.

Maybe placebo, but I don't find Embody the most "comfortable" chair among HM lineup, but a properly adjusted Embody also doesn't aggravate any pains and niggles I've accumulated powerlifting over the years. I frequently find myself healing/feeling better after long sessions on Embody. Steep but worthwhile investment.

I'm the opposite. Had the Embody for years, but it slowly started to deform (long torso with lots of reclining) and cause back pain. I've since switched to an Aeron C, and after a few months, I'm back to lifting like I used to.

I considered the Aeron but the hard edge of the seat just didn't work for me.

Embody has a huge seat without any hard pieces and a back rest that narrows at elbow height. The first chair I've bought for myself and very expensive, but I love it and expect it to last a decade or more.

+1 for Embody. Had an Aeron. Pretty comfortable. Broke. Steelcase Leap after that. Durable. Had many years. Hadn't sat in for days on end until pandemic. Was killing my lower back. Ordered an Embody without having sat in one before. It's an opinionated chair in terms of design and damn if it didn't save my back. Still good a year later. They're not for everyone, but , man, they're for me.

How long did Aeron last? And how did it break?

I have the logitech version of the HM embody chair. It supposedly has more cushioning and some cooling, but it doesn't seem too different. I think the materials on the Aeron were superior, but the embody has a more relaxed position and won out in the end.

Embody + Aeron and alternate between them. Always amazes me people will spend incredible amounts on a car, but will skimp on something they spend 8+ hours a day sitting in.

+1 for alternation. I rotate between an Embody (when I want to lean back a little), a flat wooden chair (when I want to sit up straight and not support my back against anything), and a wobble stool (when I want a bit of forward tilt). The Embody is perfectly comfortable on its own but I tend to start to veg out mentally if I'm leaning back all the time.

You are the first person I’ve seen with anything good to say about the Embody. I have two friends that sold theirs and I tried it for a week before getting an Aeron.

I definitely second the Embody. I got a decent deal on one on Craigslist and it's been a great investment in my setup.

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