When I feel daunted by a repetitive editing task, or intimidated by something I don't know yet...
The repetitive tasks I choose a small number of steps, something I can accomplish in 5, maybe 10 minutes, and plan to stop and do something else for a bit. Read an article, stare out a window at nature, play a couple of minutes of a game. Then I do another set of changes until I start to lose focus and do a brain break. Rinse and repeat.
If I feel like I don't know where to start, I need to learn something, I listen to what the anxiety is screaming and pick out one question that will fill in the next level of knowledge, no matter how silly it sounds. ("Ok, you know <html>, and <head> and <body>... what's the next level in <body>?") Every time my knowledge hoovering starts to falter, I stop and pull out just one next question...
And equivalents for other circumstances, of course. Those are just my most common roadblocks.
The repetitive tasks I choose a small number of steps, something I can accomplish in 5, maybe 10 minutes, and plan to stop and do something else for a bit. Read an article, stare out a window at nature, play a couple of minutes of a game. Then I do another set of changes until I start to lose focus and do a brain break. Rinse and repeat.
If I feel like I don't know where to start, I need to learn something, I listen to what the anxiety is screaming and pick out one question that will fill in the next level of knowledge, no matter how silly it sounds. ("Ok, you know <html>, and <head> and <body>... what's the next level in <body>?") Every time my knowledge hoovering starts to falter, I stop and pull out just one next question...
And equivalents for other circumstances, of course. Those are just my most common roadblocks.