The American Rescue Act act did boost CISA, GSA, and USDS funding [1]. Whether they can further push salaries beyond what they're already doing with tours of duty (short tenures allow for higher GS pay scale during assignments), I cannot speak to.
> The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will get $650 million for cybersecurity risk mitigation. The agency has been leading the federal government’s investigation into the SolarWinds hack that breached several federal agencies.
> Also included in the relief funding is $200 million for the U.S. Digital Service, a technology team based within the Executive Office of the President. The General Services Administration will receive two appropriations through the COVID Relief Act: $1 billion for the Technology Modernization Fund and $150 million for its Federal Citizen Services Fund. The citizen services fund enables public access and engagement with government programs through a variety of operational programs and public-facing products, and supports the implementation of emerging technologies in agency-facing programs.
> The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will get $650 million for cybersecurity risk mitigation. The agency has been leading the federal government’s investigation into the SolarWinds hack that breached several federal agencies.
> Also included in the relief funding is $200 million for the U.S. Digital Service, a technology team based within the Executive Office of the President. The General Services Administration will receive two appropriations through the COVID Relief Act: $1 billion for the Technology Modernization Fund and $150 million for its Federal Citizen Services Fund. The citizen services fund enables public access and engagement with government programs through a variety of operational programs and public-facing products, and supports the implementation of emerging technologies in agency-facing programs.