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That's not what he was saying.

His point was that he was waiting for Facebook to make their pre-emptive response to Circles, and then FB released Groups. He knows full well is solves a different problem - that was the point of what he was saying.

Not only does Groups not really do the same things as Circles/Lists at all, but Facebook appears to think that Lists don't work. Zuckerberg:

Just take friends on a site, and cut them into subgroups. Sounds good in theory. But almost no one wants to make lists. We’ve been at this for a few years, and promoted heavily. Most we’ve gotten is 5% to make lists, and most don’t make more than one.


Lists don't work and Groups are not a response to Google+ Cirlces.

I think we (and the author) are agreeing?

Lists (in Facebook) suck - they UI is hidden and terrible.

Facebook Groups came out when the author expected Facebook to respond to the concepts behind Google+ Circles. It turned out that it wasn't a response to those concepts at all, and was something unrelated.

(BTW, it's not me down voting you.)

Since the author doesn't mention Facebook Friend Lists, I can only presume that he doesn't know about them otherwise they should be top of mind when looking at Google+ Circles. He even talks about "copying circles" even though they are already in the product. I'm not sure why you think he knows anything about them? Did I miss something in his article?

Somewhat self-referential, but this should clear this up:

(me) nlothian @dhanji Can you settle an argument on HN? Do you know about Facebook Lists or not? http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2749711

@nlothian Yes, of course I do. Someone on there has already answered it: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2749651


Yes! I use facebook much more than I otherwise would because of the Friend Lists feature. I assure you that the users to whom this feature is important have found it. I presume that Google somehow believes that the rest of you will suddenly be super impressed with this feature now it is brought to your attention.

So, once Google+ gains popularity, guys at Facebook will realize Friends List is a cool feature, will make it more visible and then kill Google+?

Perhaps some of those things might happen, but not necessarily all of them follow from the first.

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