According to rasengan, in his current incarnation as root, the irccloud thing wasn't accidental:
< root> what accidental irccloud blanket ban?
< root> I keep hearing about this?
< mst> I think all of irccloud got k-lined briefly - shit happens
< root> It's intentional for sure.
< root> I think someone accidentally removed it.
< mst> is there a public statement about that anywhere?
(and then nobody ever responded as to why, so I'm afraid that's all I know wrt that particular situation)
14:59 <@taw> IRCCloud was not klined by mistake.
14:59 <@taw> We don't allow IRCCloud on freenode.
14:59 <@taw> We offer our own free BNC, if you'd like to use that instead.
<@root> irc cloud is banned cuz fck irc cloud
<@root> this was not an accident
<@root> not a mistake
<@root> actually it was supposed to happen a logn time ago
It's even stupider than that. IRCCloud is a web client which happens to provide some bouncer functionality. Freenode's bouncer is only available over IRC; it requires users to connect with their own IRC client.
The IRCCloud thing is my own breaking point for staying connected to Freenode for some channels that hadn't moved yet. I'm not going to switch my entire IRC client setup around because they're being childish and can't stand being criticized.
Since I gather that about half the people left in some of those channels were taken out by this k-line, hey, might accelerate the move anyway. :D