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I assume EU regulations apply to all EU persons, not just those in the EU? If so, is there a way for anyone in the world to become an EU person without giving up one's citizenship elsewhere just so I can be a party to GDPR and now this?

These regulations only apply within the EU… Same like GDPR it only applies to services delivered to EU customers within the EU.

A German moving to the US and consuming local services isn’t protected by GDPR.

What about an American using a German service? I thought that GDPR applied then?

However I’m not sure you get EU law to apply to a phone, buy unlocked from a German teleco?

If you want to gain most of the protections of the GDPR, you could just use an EU proxy server, and have a registered email address with a well known European email provider. Your rights would be limited in the ability to file a complaint against a particular data processor, but you would get all the fringe benefits of law-abiding companies estimating that you fall under GDPR regulations.

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