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I run a small information visualization shop and we use Protovis & D3 exclusively for visualizations on the web. Bostock's work is the most useful and thoughtful visualization framework on any platform, and at this point the only reason I use Hadley Wickam's ggplot2 is for graphics that need more marks than Chrome can handle on the DOM.

Initially I didn't see what D3 offered over Protovis, but I've since come around---D3 code is closer to the underlying page elements that make up the visualization, so you can leverage your existing HTML/SVG and CSS knowledge. Also, unlike Protovis, D3 has animation baked in by creating/removing DOM elements and tweening their positions and sizes.

The latest public-facing work we did using D3 is this linked treemap & linechart, which uses both HTML elements (treemap divs) and SVG elements (linechart lines):


I'm not a Javascript expert and I don't know D3 so I may be missing something here. I'm trying to add a d3 matcher for http://underthesite.com/, referenced in a contemporary thread:


Here's the matcher:


It fails to detect that http://keminglabs.com/ukuni/ uses d3. What's missing from the matcher? I notice that there's no script tag for d3 in the ukuni main page source.

That's because D3 is minified and concatenated with the rest of our JavaScript on the page. jQuery is separate so that it will load from caches.

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