It's not the same thing at all, in the sense that this is very much keyboard-driven whereas FancyZones is mouse-driven.
Think of it as XMonad-like, with permanently tiled, auto-arranged windows (see and able to move/rotate windows using keyboard alone.
I use FancyZones a lot and am currently trying to find a Mac analogue - nothing does "drop and place" the same way.
In the meantime, I've switched from Moom to and implemented XMonad-like tiling (Amethyst-like) in a couple of hours: comparison, I have yet to build a FancyZones equivalent since mouse handling requires a completely different logic when doing window placement (I have to grab the current window frame, figure out if it matches a predefined zone, etc.).
FancyZones has keyboard support as well - it overrides the default Windows snap keys (Win-Left and Win-Right) if that option is selected in the FZ options.
What I'd really like is something more like i3, sway, or stumpwm and ratpoison. All windows get tiled, and automatically added to your tiling layout, but the tiling is to some extent manual (and everything is keyboard-driven). I used bug.n previously, but the XMonad-style auto-tiling is generally not what I want when I have more than 3 windows open.
I'm currently using FancyZones because it seems like the least buggy option, but you really need to manually create and manually switch to a layout for every number of windows you want visible, and that's not great.
For mac BetterTouchTool is a paid option but allows you to define custom snap areas for windows. Have to restart it occasionally but it's relatively stable and has made my super-ultrawide usable on mac.