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Nimiq Identicons (github.com/nimiq)
1 point by electic on June 5, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is fun! It even handles emojis! A lot of the identifier names are ... undesireable for me, so I'm having to change characters and search around to get a positive and family-friendly result. Very encouraging work!

ryanmentor becomes "Brown Eating Doctor" with a brown-eating grin. Obviously that's not how I want to be represented!

I made this one bit-by-bit and I rather like it: https://nimiq.github.io/identicons/builder.html#%22backgroun...

There was a lot of discussion about boring avatars last week. This project is unique because it presents identicons as unique cartoon characters. Thought it was interesting and could use community love.

Demo page: https://nimiq.github.io/identicons/

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