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it’s really strange…

You don’t think there’s anything about it’s recent creation that makes this a special case?

I don't think so.

There's plenty of states with ongoing ethnic strife, and they do face a lot of deserved criticism. However I can't really recall popular, internationally supported calls for their abolition altogether.

The age of state again has not much to with it: for example Lebanon is younger than Israel and has a rich history of ethnic/sectarian conflict. Now there must be people who want to abolish Lebanon, but somehow you never hear them.

Seems like a lot of people forget there was a goal in a big portion of Europe to exterminate all Jews.

So when some are shouting to end Israel, it’s not unreasonable to think the next step is finish the genocide.

> for example Lebanon is younger than Israel

What people usually find particularly offensive is the de-facto annexation and settlement of territories that exceed the UN resolution that created the State of Israel, along with the complete imbalance in both military power and casualties of both sides. It's not just ethnic/sectarian conflict. In many aspects, it would qualify as genocide.

Well, Syria is just across the border with genocide (not just as rhetorical device) very much ongoing. Military imbalance a plenty. Anyone up for dissolving it yet?

Hell, even outright Nazism wasn't deemed a reason enough to dissolve Germany (although at some point it was seriously considered).

I don't think anyone is advocating for the dissolution of Israel. While the Syrian government is doing appalling things to its own people, I don't think we want to use "We're better than Syria" as the bar here.

The Israeli government and its people need to take a hard look at what it is doing, whether they'd like to be subjected to it by a foreign military power, and how they'd react against it. If they wouldn't like it, and if they would react violently against it, then I believe we'd have a lesson to learn and understand what Palestinians are experiencing and why a more peaceful solution would be a more constructive way to move forward. Some of the pain points can be immediately addressed.

And Germany was, in fact, dissolved into two smaller and very different countries for a long, long time after WWII. Their own wounds and the memory of the horrors they perpetrated, and the lesson that very normal people can do unimaginable evil is a tough one to learn, but one we must learn nevertheless if we decide to be better than our ancestors.

Germany was partitioned between rivalling occupation forces, and neither did dissolve the bit of German state they held on. There is little doubt that either party would have preferred the whole Germany on their side, but dissolution was never on the table.

And yes, plenty people do advocate for dissolution of Israel, it's in fact a mainstream (but not the only one) position among pro-Palestinian activists.

I don't think anyone is advocating for the dissolution of Israel

That's exactly what many advocate. It's in the charter political documents of the Palestinian ruling authorities. Major US politicians hold this position who receive a lot of political and media support. Notable celebrities have tweeted/said "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". What do you think they mean by that besides the utter destruction of the state of Israel?

whether they'd like to be subjected to it by a foreign military power

Since the Israelis only are responding to being attacked, I fail to see how they're in any way being hypocritical.

> That's exactly what many advocate.

Sorry. I meant nobody respectable is suggesting that. Not even the respectable Palestinians.

> "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". What do you think they mean by that besides the utter destruction of the state of Israel?

A single-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians share the same rights and live under the same democratic government.

> Since the Israelis only are responding to being attacked

The said attacks are extremely ineffective. They always were, since well before Iron Dome became operational.

>Sorry. I meant nobody respectable is suggesting that. Not even the respectable Palestinians.

BDS is doing so precisely in the guise of

>A single-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians share the same rights and live under the same democratic government [and gerrymandered borders and immigration policy to create a Palestinian majority]

We can’t continue with forced evictions and settlement of occupied territories like it’s nothing because it’s wrong and serves as an excuse to radicalism for increasingly violent responses.

There is an elephant in the room and we must acknowledge it’s there so we can deal with it.

Sorry. I meant nobody respectable

So only True Scotsman are to be considered respectable? Rashida Talieb, Ilhan Omar, and other overt anti-semites who appear regularly on national media aren't "respectable"? Let me know when they're abandoned by the media and their own party like Steve King was for making racist-adjacent statements.

A single-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians share the same rights and live under the same democratic government.

Voting residents in the region don't agree with you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas_Covenant

The said attacks are extremely ineffective.

The attempt to make this about body counts and not the initiation of hostile military action baffles me. But I disagree with "ineffective". People in Israel are being injured and dying in rocket attacks. That's not ineffective. And then if you want to think this through a bit more, you'd realize that the degree to which it is ineffective is due to the fact that Israel counter-attacks to destroy the ability of Hamas/PLO terrorists to attack them. If they didn't respond to the degree that they do, there would be more Israeli casualties.

Italy just celebrated the founding of its republic, which was in 1946...

Italy was unified back in the 1800s, so this is stretching the truth a little. It existed as a kingdom well before becoming a republic.

It also has a surprisingly long list of separatist movements[0], which it has has thus far refrained from bombing with US-funded F16s.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_separatist_move...

So no state called "Italy" existed in more-or-less the same form before 1946?

True, the disparate Italian states were unified into the Kingdom of Italy in the 1860s, so it's older than Israel but younger than the US.

Nothing to do with Israel's recent creation, many states have been created recently without them being targeted by neighbours for mass destruction and genocide.

What makes it strange is sense of normalcy people (sorry, I mean racists) have about a sense of white / Islamic supremacy over Jews, that makes them think it's ok to say things like 'we will wipe every Jew off the face of the planet' etc.

So now we're against indigenous peoples having autonomy in their ancestral homeland?

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