Location: San Jose, CA (current) / St. Louis, MO (desired)
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Python, Go, Embedded C/C++, Linux, Bluetooth, WiFi, Vanilla JavaScript / ES6, OpenGL, TensorFlow, Clojure, Haskell, Lisp
Résumé/CV: http://www.willdonnelly.net/Resume-May2021.pdf
Email: wgd@willdonnelly.net
Hi, I'm Will, a generalist SWE with a degree in Electrical Engineering, 5+ years of professional experience with embedded systems and wireless connectivity, and a wide range of other skills. I'm willing to tackle just about anything: hardware development, backend servers and web frontends, functional programming, machine learning, and computer graphics are all fields that I enjoy working with so long as the problem is interesting.
I've been happy at Google for the past 7 years, but after the year that was 2020 I've realized that I want to move back home (St. Louis, MO) to live near family, so my primary motivation for changing jobs is to make that a possibility. Most likely this will be via remote work, although a company with offices in the STL area would also be great.
I've been happy at Google for the past 7 years, but after the year that was 2020 I've realized that I want to move back home (St. Louis, MO) to live near family, so my primary motivation for changing jobs is to make that a possibility. Most likely this will be via remote work, although a company with offices in the STL area would also be great.