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I Launched my Product on Reddit to get 1,500 Sign-ups and 300k Page-views (guyandtheworld.com)
6 points by kakkan on June 1, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Very interesting post. How did you deal with the fact that almost all subreddits have a pretty strict self-promotion policy?

I am always hesitant to post about my product on any subreddit, because as soon as I read the sidebar rules, one of the first things they say is to not do any self-promotion.

How did you get around that?

From my observations, there are communities which has strict moderation policies, but sometimes they do allow posts if the incentives are right. That's why I mention writing an essay instead of posting a link. I feel like if it's a well known pain-point and the community is aware about it, and you outline why your motivation for solving it, it will resonate. Instead of promotion, you're posting your story.

Again, this strategy could fail too, but I've always noticed if you take one topic, there are multiple subreddits that address it, so you'll have luck in at least one of them. What market is your product targeting?

Hey, thanks for the response.

It's a website builder for (very) tech-phobic people. I mean people who consider both Wordpress and Squarespace too complicated.

It generates static sites which are then hosted on Cloudflare.

It doesn't do shops or giant blogs, but websites up to 10 pages are very quick and easy to create, without being restricted by themes. So instead of a theme-based or drag&drop block-style editor, our sites are assembled from pre-defined modules.

https://pinkpigeon.co.uk for some more info.

I've hesitantly talked about it on /r/webdev so far.

how did you build you landing page. was it some online service or hand coded bootstrap theme

also thanks for the article, super helpful insights from your journey! All the best mate

Thank you! I used https://unicornplatform.com/ for building it.

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