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Ask HN: Where do the young nerds hangout?
20 points by bryanwb on May 31, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments
I get the distinct impression that HN, like Slashdot before it, has aged along w/ its original audience. I suspect most of the readers and submitters are aged mid-30's to late 40's. Which online communities attract the young weirdos these days?

Reddit, Discord. With the caveat most communities are a cacophony of people not having anything intelligent to say, but there are gems in between. Many educational YouTubers and open source projects have their own community on one or both on them.

have very positive experiences w/ discord. I have learned a ton from channels like Economics Design (token economics) and Reactiflux (Reactjs)

Hey, I couldn't spot the 'Economics Design' channel. Could you please share the URL here?

This is the one they meant, it seems:


Their twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/EconsDesign

Twitch, Discord and other gaming related communities for the young ones. Twitter attracts the 20-something crowd.

A popular discord community, a good mix of experienced people with a bunch of beginners: https://theprogrammershangout.com/

Nothing against that community at all but I hate discord. Maybe I am old but I don't see how it's good for communities.

If you’re old and hang out on HN you probably like IRC?

The benefit of discord is probably that it is extremely easy to join, and it seems like they have easy access to mod tools and bots and whatnot.

Not sure why this is downvoted, this is certainly what I've seen.

Sure, there's lots of spam on dev.to, but I see a lot of content and discussion happening there too.

Didn't downvote you but dev.to feels like the early days of Medium, where it was great. Now I'm waiting for the day they start paywalling things.

I just took a glance at it and it seems substantially better than it was 2 years ago, in both content and design. Back then, it was full of bullshit articles and the site felt like it was made in Comic Sans.

yea the content isn't all that bad. And its getting better. But Im still iffy on how long it'll be free to consume.

What discord servers do you hangout on?

Yeah, I'd also vote up Discord.

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